This past week has felt like a series of doctor appointments for my boys. Last Thursday Jacob told me he had hurt his thumb. He didn't say much more about it. I knew it hurt him a bit, but it was his right hand and he is a lefty, so he seemed to be functioning just fine.
Friday I got off work early because I didn't have a babysitter, so I was home in time to meet Jacob and Ally when they got off the bus. (Logan was with his GG.) When the two older kids came home, my plan was for us to straighten up around the house because we were going to have house guests for the long weekend. Straightening up was too much for Jacob and his thumb. I honestly don't know if he would have shown me how bad it was if I hadn't asked him to clean the cat litter box. But sure enough it did look like it was pretty painful for him to do anything with his right hand.
I had the internal debate about whether it was doctor worthy. I always feel silly when I go to the doctor and they tell me that it's really nothing. I pondered whether this was a sprain and if we should just ice and wait. But I would not have had peace of mind doing that, so into the doctor we went.
I feel lucky that I have never had a hard time getting into Immediate Care. I hear horror stories of waiting forever, but I've never had that happen. We got right into to see the doctor. Of course a small exam room with Jacob and Ally made it feel like we were back there forever, but we really weren't. Jacob got x-rays done and we were back in the exam room waiting.
I was ready for the doctor to say, it's a sprain, we can't do anything, just keep icing. But she surprised me and said there was a small fracture. She directed us to the cast room where Jacob had a splint created for him to wear for a week until we saw a specialist.
The following Thursday Jacob got to see the orthopedic specialist. Dr. D. told us the x-rays didn't make him sure there is a fracture but there maybe a little one. Dr. D. decided we need to protect Jacob's thumb for a couple more weeks because he does think that area is weak, so Jacob was fitted for a brace. I'm so thankful that he has that brace that he can take off to shower and sleep. It's so much easier than a cast (but I know Jacob thought he wanted a cast for people to sign).
When we headed home after that I thought thank goodness we are done with the doctor for now. But I picked up Ally and Logan from the babysitter and Logan was not my Logan. He was super hot and I was hoping he had just gotten over heated. I had to go to the grocery store and poor Logan sat in the cart crying and saying he thought he was going to die (Nothing like a little drama when you're out in public). I tried to offer Logan any food in the store that I thought would magically heal whatever was happening with him. Nothing worked, not ice cream or candy. When we were back by the bakery, I tried to cheer him up by showing him a Thomas the Train cake. He decided he wanted that. I couldn't bring myself to buy him a cake. That night was awful for Logan. He didn't sleep well because he was so feverish and achy. Tylenol wasn't even bringing down the fever. Calling into work is one of my least favorite things to do, but I really couldn't remember seeing Logan so sick. Thus another doctor trip for us. This one did have the results that there really wasn't anything the doctor could do for us. He reassured me Logan's ears and throat looked okay. But it was probably just a flu virus that we would have to wait out. So home we headed to relax. Jacob had a Cub Scout event that evening, so GG came over to stay with Logan. And guess what she brought...
I'm happy to say Logan is about back to normal and Jacob is doing well with his brace. I tried to feel sorry for myself over going to the doctor too much, but then I remembered that there are people who probably couldn't have just taken their boys to the doctor like I did. God is definitely taking care of me and my kids...thank goodness!!
I know I feel that way sometimes too, It difficult to know if it's really bad enough for the doctor. I feel like the times I think it is it isn't and then the times I think it's not it is. Glad Jacob doesn't have to wear a cast especially with summer coming up and swimming!